Happisburgh Lighthouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Happisburgh Lighthouse

Location: Happisburgh, Norfolk, England
WGS-84 (GPS)
52°49.17′N 01°32.32′E / 52.8195°N 1.53867°E / 52.8195; 1.53867
Year first lit: 1791
Automated: 1929
Construction: Masonry
Tower shape: round
Height: 26 m (85 ft)
Focal Height: 15 m
Current lens: Catadioptric Fixed Lens
Range: 14 nm (26 km)
Characteristic: White group flashing 3 times every 30 seconds

Happisburgh Lighthouse is the oldest working light in East Anglia, and the only independently run lighthouse in Great Britain.

Built in 1790, orginally one of a pair - the tower is 85ft tall and the lantern is 134ft above sea level. The 'low light' which was discontinued in 1883 was 20ft lower and the pair formed leading lights marking safe passage around the southern end of the treacherous Haisborogh Sands.

Today the lighthouse is painted white with three red bands, and has a light charcteristic of Fl (3) W 30s (3 white flashes, repeated every 30secs) with a range of 18 miles.



Originally uploaded by _Val W.
12 minutes @f5 taken 1/2 hour before moonrise. I was just killing time before the moonrise and managed to get in some star trails. I adjusted the white balance to get a little more pleasing sky colour, it came out a sickly green. The street light from the pier behind me lit up the adjacent break-wall with an erie glow, and the building behind me cast a shadow on the water...


Originally uploaded by tiavir.



Originally uploaded by polielapia.



For Ossewa (Translates to Ox Wagon) who left me a very lovely and so unexpected testimonial. I'm not sure when you did this, my friend but I'm blown away. Thank you!

L'Agulhas - where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. It means Cape of Needles (referring to the jagged rocks of the coastline and also the fact that a compass shows no real deviation between true north and magnetic north at this spot). L'Agulhas gets its rich heritage from the shipwreck survivors of many nationalities who settled in this desolate place. Please read more about it on the link above.

There was a 5 minute window period in an otherwise stormy day. It seemed fitting to take this picture. This was taken a couple of winters ago. I can't wait for winter to arrive - can you tell? :)

If you have a moment, please do yourself a favour and listen to this wonderful song sung here by two great artists - Katie Melua and the late Eva Cassidy. What a wonderful re-work.
Somewhere over the rainbow

The Lighthouse

Second oldest working lighthouse in South Africa. Erected in 1848 and restored in 1988 to original plan. Built in Pharos style. Restaurant and Lighthouse museum.

History Overview
1840 It was decided in Cape Town to collect money in order to erect a lighthouse at the southernmost point of Africa. Donations from the public and the authorities were supplemented by contributions from Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, St Helena and London.
1847-8 Building operations started on 1 April 1847 and were completed in December 1848
1849 On 1 March the Lighthouse started functioning. Initially, oil derived from sheep's tail-fat was used for the lamp, which produced a stationary white light of approximately 4 500 candlepower.
1905 The tail-fat burner was replaced by an oil burner.
1914 A rotating optical system which radiated a white light of 470 000 candlepower every four seconds was put into use.
1936 An electric light generating 12 000 000 candlepower was installed.
1968 The lighthouse fell into disuse and was replaced by a warning light on an aluminium tower.
1973 The limestone building, which was modelled on the design of the Pharos of Alexandria, a lighthouse in Egypt and one of the seven wonders of the ancient World, was declared a national monument.
1983-8 The tower was restored to its original glory and permission was granted for it to be used as a museum under the authority of the board of Trustees of the bredasdorp Museum.
1988 Since 25 March 1988 the cape Agulhas Lighthouse has once again beamed its light over both oceans.
1994 On 28 January the Lighthouse Museum was officially opened.



Phare de Goulphar, belle-ile Bretagne

Le phare de Goulphar ou Grand phare, est une tour de granit élevée en janvier 1836 sur les plans d'Augustin Fresnel.
Il jouxte des bâtiments qui abritent les logements des gardiens, des chambres pour le personnel de passage et un local pour la station de contrôle du réseau Toran de Bretagne.
Il s'élève à 52,25 mètres au dessus du sol et à 92 mètres au dessus du niveau de la mer. C'est l'un des phares les plus puissants de France. Sa portée lumineuse est de 26 milles (environ 48 kilomètres).
Il offre un magnifique panorama sur Belle-Ile et le continent, du Croisic à Lorient.
Phare du Goulphar
Vue en avril 2004
Vue en avril 2004
Position : 47° 18′ 40″ N 3° 13′ 39″ W / 47.31111, -3.22750[1]
Localisation : Belle-île-en-Mer, Morbihan, France
Construction : 1836
Hauteur : 52.25 m
Élévation : 92 m
Portée : 26 milles nautiques
Feux : feu blanc à 2 éclats 10 s
Optique : 2 lampes halogènes 650 W
Se visite : oui
Habité : oui

The flagship Grand Goulphar or lighthouse, is a high granite tower in January 1836 in terms of Augustin Fresnel.
It is adjacent buildings that house the housing guards, rooms for the staff of passage and a local station for the network control of Brittany Toran.
It is 52.25 meters above the ground and 92 meters above sea level is one of the most powerful lighthouses in France. His luminous range is 26 miles (48 kilometers).
It offers a magnificent panorama of Belle-Ile and the continent from the Croisic Lorient.


Paddle - Quiberon - bretagne

Paddle - Quiberon - bretagne
Originally uploaded by fanch.Bzh.

phare Capbreton

phare Capbreton
Originally uploaded by maloevane.
au pied ;....
de l'estacade
décidée par napoléon III
le 11septembre 1858


phare ile louet

phare ile louet
Originally uploaded by maloevane.
baie de morlaix

Umpqua River Lens

Umpqua River Lens

Construction on the Umpqua River Lighthouse began in 1890, after the original 1857 tower fell into the sea during a winter storm. This sentinel stands at the entrance of Winchester Bay and at the mouth of the Umpqua River. A sister to the Heceta Head Lighthouse, a few miles north, its signature flash casting its light some twenty miles out into the sea. Three years after construction began, the new lighthouse standing 165, above sea level was completed. On December 31, 1894, the First Order Fresnel lens manufactured by Barbier and Cie Paris was lit! In the 1960's, the light was automated. The chariot wheel that rotated the beacon became worn with age, prompting the United States Coast Guard to consider replacing the First Order Lens with a modern optic. People from the surrounding communities gathered thousands of signatures in protest. In 1985, the United States Coast Guard relented and the chariot wheels were rebuilt! In this, the 21st century, the First Order Fresnel Lens shines brightly.
Lights up with 3 "AAA" batteries or your purchased 4.5v adapter, item# 13899.

Harbour Lights Collectible Replica in a Limited Edition of 1,200 pieces.


Cap Alright

Le phare du Cap Alright, aussi appelé le phare de l'Échouerie, du nom d'une plage située tout près, a été construit en 1928. On le trouve dans le village de Havre-aux-Maisons aux Iles-de-la-Madeleine. Il est toujours actif.

Cap Alright Lighthouse. Established in 1928, this small light that we find in Havre-aux-Maisons village, is still active.

Nearest Town or City:Havre-aux-Maisons Quebec Canada
Location:Ile du Havre au Maison, Iles de la Madeleine (Magdalen Islands), Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Managing Organization:Canadian Coast Guard
Tower Height:27
Description Tower:White, wooden square pyramidal tower with red trim.
Date Established:1928
Date Present Tower Built:1928
Current Use:Active aid to navigation.
Open To Public:Grounds only.
Directions:The lighthouse is at the southeastern point of the Ile du Havre aux Maisons, in the area known as Butte Ronde. From Highway 199 northbound take the Chemin de la Pointe Basse, then the Chemin des Echoueries; from Highway 1999 southbound, take the Chemin de la Dune du Sud, then the Chemin des Montants and the Chemin des Echoueries. If driving, the best way to reach the Magdalen Islands is by car ferry from Souris, Prince Edward Island. For details, see www.ilesdelamadeleine.com/ctma/madeleine_2.htm. Air Alliance (an Air Canada connector) offers air service from Montreal, Quebec City and other locations. (Thanks to Michel Forand.) Map It!
Characteristic Range:Flashing white every 5 seconds, visible for 20 nautical miles.
Height Focal Plane:79
National Register:No
from www.lighthousedepot.com

Daha Büyük Haritayı Görüntüle



Üsküdar ın sembolü haline gelen kule, M.Ö. 2475 yıllarına kadar uzanan tarihi bir geçmişe sahiptir. İlk olarak Yunanlılar döneminde bir mezara ev sahipliği yapan bu ada Bizans döneminde inşa edilen ek bina ile gümrük istasyonu olarak kullanılmıştır. Osmanlı döneminde ise gösteri platformundan, savunma kalesine, sürgün istasyonundan, karantina odasına kadar bir çok işlev yüklenmiştir. En uzun soluklu görevi ise geceleri gemilere göz kırpan feneriyle yol göstermesidir. Günümüzdeki kulenin taş hali Nevşehirli Damat İbrahim Paşa tarafından 1725 yılında yapıltırılmıştır. Kulenin adıyla alakalı bir çok rivayet vardır bunlardan en ünlüsü bizans imparatorlarından birinin suç işleyen kızını kuleye hapsettiği için buraya kız kulesi denmiş olmasıdır.


Light House Media Centre

Light House aims to increase the enjoyment and understanding of technologically - based media, in particular film, video, photography and creative media and to emphasise their importance to the cultural, social and economic life of Wolverhampton, the West Midlands and further afield.


The formal opening of Light House took place on 16 March 1987 by the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Bishan Dass, although activities had already taken place since the August of 1986. Light House was housed in accommodation with the Central Art Gallery, there were only three members of staff and it was a joint project of the Council’s Leisure Services and Wolverhampton Polytechnic (now the University of Wolverhampton). The programme guide for that period included, amongst other activities, courses in video production, seasons of science fiction films, an exhibition India and Independence marking the 40th anniversary of India’s freedom from British rule and a conference about Black filmmaking.

Today Light House inhabits larger, partly-purpose-built accommodation, is an independent company and employs the equivalent of over 30 full time staff. There are still production courses, new exhibitions, films, educational activities, conferences and events. In addition, there are two major annual festivals and a myriad of activities that develop and support the growing creative industries in the City and region. The emphasis is still on giving opportunities for active involvement for everyone. Light House has held to its original mission, increasing the enjoyment and understanding of different media forms and using them for the benefit of the people of Wolverhampton and beyond. Along the way there has been support and encouragement from very many individuals and organisations. With their continued support, Light House will play an increasingly important part in the social, cultural and economic life of the City and the wider region into the future.


A non-profit making organisation Light House is funded and supported by Wolverhampton City Council, Learning Skills Council, Arts Council West Midlands, UK Film Council, Screen West Midlands, Advantage West Midlands, Skillset and the University of Wolverhampton.

The Needles

The Needles is a row of three distinctive stacks of chalk that rise out of the sea off the western extremity of the Isle of Wight, England, close to Alum Bay. A lighthouse designed by Scottish civil engineer James Walker has stood at the western end of the formation since 1859.[3]

The formation takes its name from the former fourth[4] needle-shaped pillar called Lot's Wife that used to stand in its midst until it collapsed in a storm in 1764.[5][6][7] The remaining rocks are all short and squat and not at all needle-like, but the name has stuck.

The Needles were featured on the 2005 TV programme Seven Natural Wonders as one of the wonders of the South.

from en.wikipedia.org

Position 50° 39'.70 N O1° 35,42 W

the needles
The Needles Photography Don French
© Isle of Wight Tourism

Christmas 1993 Needles Lighthouse

Belle Tout lighthouse

The Belle Tout lighthouse (also spelled Belle Toute lighthouse) is a decommissioned lighthouse and famous British landmark located at Beachy Head, East Sussex. It has been called "Britain's most famous inhabited lighthouse" because of its striking location and use in film and television.[1] In 1999, the Grade II listed building was famously moved in one piece to prevent it from succumbing to coastal erosion.

Beachy Head saw numerous shipwrecks in the 17th and early 18th centuries and a petition to erect a lighthouse started around 1691.[2] The calls were ignored for over 100 years until The Thames, an East Indiaman, crashed into the rocks of Beachy Head. The petition gained momentum with the support of a Captain of the Royal Navy and Trinity House, the official lighthouse authority, agreed to attend to the matter.[3] Having witnessed the incident himself, John 'Mad Jack' Fuller, MP for Sussex, used his influence and some of his personal wealth to fund the lighthouse construction.[4]

The first Belle Tout lighthouse was a temporary wooden structure that started service on 1 October 1828. The construction of the permanent granite lighthouse began in 1829 and it became operational on 11 October 1834. Its use of 30 oil lamps meant that the lighthouse would require 2 gallons of oil every hour.[3]

Coordinates: 50°44′18″N 0°12′52″E / 50.7382°N 0.2145°E

from en.wikipedia

The History of Belle Toute Lighthouse
  • Circa 1691 petitions for a lighthouse were made due to the number of shipwrecks and sailors losing their lives at the hands of this dangerous stretch of coastline.
  • In 1828 as a continuing result of many shipwrecks, a wooden lighthouse was built on the top of the cliffs at Beachy Head. So successful was this that the decision was made to build a permanent lighthouse.
  • Belle Toute was built in 1832 and the location of the lighthouse was carefully planned so that the light was visible for 20 miles out to sea and that the light would be obscured by the edge of the cliff if sailors were too close to the shore.
  • Over the years erosion of the cliff reduced the effectiveness of the lighthouse and in 1902 Belle Toute was decommissioned when the new lighthouse built at the base of the cliffs came into service.
  • In 1903 it was sold by Trinity House and changed hands a number of times.
  • In 1923 it was bought by a surgeon, Sir James Purves-Stewart.
  • During the second world war with its owners being evacuated, Belle Toute was damaged due to shelling by Canadian Troops using it as target practice.
  • In 1948 Sir James offered the building to the council and eventually they took it over due to its historical significance.
  • In 1956 Belle Toute was leased out to Dr Edward Revill Cullinan who carried out works on the building and installed modern features such as septic tank, mains electricity and water.
  • In 1962 the lease was sold and changed hands a number of times.
  • In 1986 it was bought by the BBC who used it in the making of Fay Weldon’s “Life and Loves of a She-Devil”.
  • In 1996 it was bought by Mark and Louise Roberts to use as a family home.
  • In 1999, due to continuing erosion threatening the future of the building the lighthouse was moved 17 metres (56 feet) back from the edge of the cliff by the impressing engineering work of Abbey Pynford.
  • In 2007 the Roberts' have put Belle Toute up for sale with the guide price of £850,000.
  • In 2007 the Belle Toute Lighthouse Preservation Trust has been formed to raise enough money to purchase the lighthouse to open it to the public, provide bed and breakfast accommodation and maintain it for future generations of visitors to enjoy.
  • In April 2008 Belle Toute was purchased by the Belle Toute Lighthouse Company Limited with the intention of opening it to the public as a bed & breakfast and tourist centre.
  • In May 2008 the Belle Toute Lighthouse Preservation Trust wound-up although the Belle Toute Lighthouse Preservation Society has been formed to allow the previous members retain a watchful interest over this magnificent building. The website will be kept updated as an information resource.
*Please note: Previously we estimated the erosion based on .5m to 1m per year suggesting that the lighthouse would need to be moved in 17 to 34 years. This was based on our own calculations during 1890 and 1997, internet research and taking into account global warming. An erosion report that has come to our attention actually states that the erosion rate is more likely to be 0.03m to 0.27m per year depending on whether it is an 'active' or 'passive' recession period. We are working closely with Brighton University and hope to bring you some substantiated figures that suggest the erosion rate is .6m per year. This would suggest at a current distance of 18.2m that the lighthouse will need moving again in just under 30 years. More likely in around 24 years as it would be necessary to ensure access to the front of the tower by which time there should be 3.6m distance from the cliff edge.

It is important to recognise that averages are based on the middle value of a series of figures, although these figures are based on what has happened rather than what yet will happen. For example if within 100 years there was 50m of cliff that disappeared then the average is .5m per year, however, we know that falls can precede the average, i.e. that in 10 years there might be a cliff fall of just 1mm but in the next 10 years there might as much as 9m go, yet over the 20 year period the average might still only be .5m. Therefore it is very difficult to say when the next fall will be although it could be substantially larger than what is expected to be the average.

from www.belletoute.org.uk

Google Map

The lighthouse - Gerard Donovan

The lighthouse
Yazar: Gerard Donovan
Yayınlayan: Salmon Publishing, 2000
ISBN 1903392039, 9781903392034
89 sayfa

About the Author

Gerard Donovan, who was born in Wexford and grew up in Galway, is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. The author of two previous collections, Columbus Rides Again (Salmon, 1993) and Kings and Bicycles (Salmon, 1995), his poetry has appeared in journals on both sides of the Atlantic, including The Sewanee Review, New Statesman, Stand, and the Irish Times. After a career playing classical guitar in the eighties, he currently works as a professor in New York. In 1999 he completed the 140-mile Marathon des Sables in North Africa with his two brothers, later the subject of an award-winning documentary.

"Gerard Donovan is a man of two countries, teasing the beauty out of what lies in between. The LightHouse is easily his finest work so far, haunted, plaintive, hopeful and raucous. Like all good poems, they create a temporary silence around themselves, luring us in and stunning us. The LightHouse is a great collection." -- Colum McCann, Author of This Side of Brightness

"Donovan's poems are a joy to read. Their diversity defies categorization -- the poem glistens with detail." Irish Echo, New York

"Donovan is capable of taking an idea and unfolding it back to discover unexpected areas of meaning and suggestion." Poetry Ireland Review (from www.salmonpoetry.com)

Poems from The Lighthouse

The Body Lights

Not far from our window, the lighthouse dreams.
Its steel steps draft short breaths,
the granite flashes a heartbeat
under nightÕs vast sheet.

And now a breeze
parts the curtains into waves:
that glow again, like eyes opening.

When I dream, I too flicker between light and dark.
As you lie beside me, you see nothing of this.
You sleep like coastal distance,
another light in a long night,

your body spread from the pillow
like moon's reflection.
Your skin covers you like water.
You are as full of light
as your first breath.

Night turns restless on its side.
The first birds sing on whitening sea.


In a boiling second
the starlings strip off trees
to a shrill scarf trailing in a gust,
curving, whipped, contorted,
crumpling to the roadside grass.

Today is colder, the wind north;
sparseness, contained a season, spills everywhere.
A few people walk the trails,
each breath marked, then released by air.
A child might see those birds as leaves
that scrape the sky with yellow veins.
I seem to lose that magic year by year.

I'm learning to open my hands; they fill
with what I let go. So I freed you too.
By the way, I forecast autumn by starlings:
it arrived today at two in the afternoon.
I had coffee and then came to the park
and it touched me on the shoulder ? just like that, I swear.

(Copyright Gerard Donovan 2000)

Lighthouse Deluxe Resort & Spa

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