for further information about membership contact
Turkey Point Light Station Inc.
P.O. Box 412
North East, MD 21901
Tower is 35’ high
Situated on a 100 foot bluff
Highest of 74 lighthouses on the Bay
Original tower had a panel of red glass to warn ships they were approaching shallows
Beacon was originally visible for 13 miles
Owned by U.S. Coast Guard
Maintained by the Turkey Point Light Station, Inc.
Featured in the movie, Absolute Power, starring Clint Eastwood
Originally was a Lewis Lamp which used an Argand-style lamp and a reflector
Changed to a Fresnel Lens which used a lamp that burned spermaceti (whale oil)
Switched to kerosene in late 1870’s
Changed to incandescent oil vapor lamp in late 1800’s
Electrified in 1943