Kelly "Unter Geiern" talked about my carroof in his testimonial. Well, here it is, reflecting the lighthouse Lange Jaap in Den Helder / Huisduinen; Holland.
Kijkduin (Den Helder, "Lange Jaap (Long John)") (2)
1878 (Quirinius Harder). Station established 1822. Active; focal plane 57 m (187 ft); four white flashes, separated by 3.1 s, every 20 s. 55.5 m (182 ft) 16-sided cast iron tower with lantern and gallery, painted red; lantern painted white with a red dome. 1° Fresnel lens in use. Rotating radar antenna mounted atop the lantern. Trabas has a closeup photo. One of the world's great lighthouses, and very possibly the tallest cast iron lighthouse in the world. (The Phare Amedée in New Caledonia, in the South Pacific, is about the same height.) Prefabricated by Penn & Bauduin in Dordrecht. Located in Huisduinen, just west of Den Helder.Site open; it is said that tours of the tower are available, but information on this is needed. Netherlands 1494; Admiralty B0858; NGA 9884.
Kelly "Unter Geiern" >>
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1896 yılında ‘Germania’ AG, Kiel firması tarafından tasarlanıp Osmanlı
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