Day 12

Day 12
Originally uploaded by Janey Lu.
Word for today: See

I think at times we take things for granted.
Things like life, health, vision...etc.
What if we opened our eyes and really saw the good things in life?
What if we felt the cool breeze and didn't shiver and complain, "It's too cold!".
What is we felt it and appreciated the freshness of this life and the constant changing weather.
We have the opportunity to live and I fear the fact that many of us just don't.

A few days ago I talked about an older lady I met at work.
She was riding an amigo and had just gotten hit by a car.
Something she said to me has been popping up in my head constantly.
She looked up at me and said, "If I were young again, there are so many things I would do...There is so much I should have done..."
I don't want to look back and say that someday.
There are real lessons to learn.
We have to open our eyes and really see.

This is life. Open your eyes.
You only live once. Open your eyes.
Beauty is all around you. Open your eyes.
Time is short. And though darkness surrounds us there is so much light.
Just open your eyes.

~Janey Lu


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