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Lịch sử mũi Khe gà (tiếng Việt)
Khe Ga lighthouse is located in tan thanh viallage, Ham Thuan Nam district, Binh Thuan province, 45 km south of Phan Thiet. Khe Ga is 5ha wide islet. Hundreds of diversified granited clusters alternate with that of aged frangipanes in the islet.
This lighthouse bears the same name as the island. It was built in 1897-1899 by the French. The octagonal tower is made of granite and is 41m high. It has sides of 2.6m at its base and 2.5m at its top. The light can be seen as far as 22 miles away. Considered a valuable "artwork," Khe Ga lighthouse is an attractive historical and tourist site. Tourists can climb a spiral staircase with 184 steps made of steel to get to the top of the lighthouse from which they can enjoy the view.
Zuhaf Gambotu
1896 yılında ‘Germania’ AG, Kiel firması tarafından tasarlanıp Osmanlı
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