The Long Leg, ca.1930, painted by Edward Hopper (1882-1967) brings the serenity of the ocean to life and speaks of isolation and alone”ness”. Hopper’s paintings are characterised by melancholy, isolation and loneliness. The Long Leg depicts a sail boat at Long Point Light in Provincetown, Massachussetts at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Although it depicts a leisure scene, no people are visible on the boat or the shore and this mood of isolation is said to reflect the abstract, impersonal symbol of Modernism.
Painting aside, the idea of being alone and being lonely are often confused with being synonymous with each other. Being alone can be energising, strengthening & helpful to discover the peace within. It has become such a rarity to experience the pure treasure of being alone without either the feelings of stress & anxiety that comes with some busy lives or without feeling lonely. Learning to appreciate your own company might be harder for some people than others, but making friends with yourself and learning not to yearn for or hide behind the company of others is good for you!
Being alone can help to re-orientate you, help you to move forward and come to terms with your feelings or actions. Being alone is actually only a problem when you feel lonely. Feeling lonely in a crowd may reflect how you feel about yourself in relation to other people.
Aromatherapy is beneficial for both the positive state of alone”ness” and it’s negative sister, loneliness.
Bir Denizfeneri.. Okyanusla sonsuza dek komşu. Okyanusun mu ona daha çok ihtiyacı var yoksa, denizfeneri mi okyanus için vazgeçilmez bir sevgili?
Gündüzleri, denizfeneri isyanlarda... Çünkü yanıbaşındaki biricik sevgilisi gözlerinin önünde güneşle ihtirasla sevişmekte. Hep gece olsun ister, sevgilisi ona kalsın, yalnız onda bulsun gecedeki renginin güzelliğini... Denizfeneri, küçücüktür okyanusa göre ama güneşin aşkından daha büyüktür aşkı okyanusa...
Geceleri ise denizfeneri, mutluluklar peşindedir, gecenin esrarengiz sessizliğinde. Her ışık turunda çıldırır denizfeneri zevkten, adeta danseder okyanusun en uzak noktalarına uzanarak. Daha gerçektir denizfeneri, gece sadece o ve okyanus vardır sınırlı görüş gizliliğinde.