The old lighthouse of Amsterdam called: ‘IJdoorn’, or ‘Hoek van het IJ’. From 1700 to the end of the 19 th century it was a stone structure, but this one is made of iron in the fashion of the industrial revolution. It stands on a small island, overlooking a polder near Durgerdam. The polder is a nature reserve where a lot of birds can be seen.
Lachie Robertson and his girl n An Sulaire out of Mallaig
Lighthouse, island Marken. Must be seen large.
Paard van Marken, groot bekijken.
Castle Hill Lighthouse at the entrance the East Passage into Narragansett Bay was built in 1890. Castle Hill Inn shows in the background of this shot taken from the brigantine Fritha.
Sailscape for more info.
A fair breeze drives a handsome yawl into Wickford Harbor -- looks like he may be single-handing.
The Durgerdam lighthouse was built around 1880. The original lighthouse from 1700 was a brick structure. The official name is IJdoorn Lighthouse, or Hoek van het IJ.
In the background one of the icebreakers, which must keep the shippingroute open, is visible.
Schooner Madeleine and Castle Hill Light
Schooner Madeleine from Newport heads out into Block Island Sound late on a fall afternoon.

REF : EKT_0082
Fastnet rock - 35mm Slide by Jacques Vapillon