Light House Media Centre

Light House aims to increase the enjoyment and understanding of technologically - based media, in particular film, video, photography and creative media and to emphasise their importance to the cultural, social and economic life of Wolverhampton, the West Midlands and further afield.


The formal opening of Light House took place on 16 March 1987 by the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Councillor Bishan Dass, although activities had already taken place since the August of 1986. Light House was housed in accommodation with the Central Art Gallery, there were only three members of staff and it was a joint project of the Council’s Leisure Services and Wolverhampton Polytechnic (now the University of Wolverhampton). The programme guide for that period included, amongst other activities, courses in video production, seasons of science fiction films, an exhibition India and Independence marking the 40th anniversary of India’s freedom from British rule and a conference about Black filmmaking.

Today Light House inhabits larger, partly-purpose-built accommodation, is an independent company and employs the equivalent of over 30 full time staff. There are still production courses, new exhibitions, films, educational activities, conferences and events. In addition, there are two major annual festivals and a myriad of activities that develop and support the growing creative industries in the City and region. The emphasis is still on giving opportunities for active involvement for everyone. Light House has held to its original mission, increasing the enjoyment and understanding of different media forms and using them for the benefit of the people of Wolverhampton and beyond. Along the way there has been support and encouragement from very many individuals and organisations. With their continued support, Light House will play an increasingly important part in the social, cultural and economic life of the City and the wider region into the future.


A non-profit making organisation Light House is funded and supported by Wolverhampton City Council, Learning Skills Council, Arts Council West Midlands, UK Film Council, Screen West Midlands, Advantage West Midlands, Skillset and the University of Wolverhampton.

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